Pastor Craig & Kelly Yarde

Pastor Craig & Kelly Yarde

Pastor Craig Yarde grew up pursuing a life of athletics and music.  After his college football career, it was a downward spiral looking for something that would fill the void.  Following the tragic death of a close friend and exhausting all that the party life had to offer, he began searching for real answers.  During the spring of 1992, Craig found the answer in a relationship with Jesus. Soon after, he began to pursue a life in ministry.

After spending 20 plus years filling various leadership roles in the local church and workforce, Craig was credentialed with the Assemblies of God in 2015.   In 2017 Craig answered the call to full-time ministry and accepted the lead pastor role at Canton Assembly.

Kelly also spent years looking for answers and ultimately found the answer in Jesus.  Kelly has served faithfully in the local church.  She is gifted in hospitality and has a passion for prayer, and for the family.

Craig and Kelly were married in 1993 and have two children, Luke and Emma.   They have three grandchildren Rylie, Marlie and Jaxson.

Both are committed to the church being a place where broken lives can find hope and purpose for living.

Deacon Council
Sally Hebb