Posts from November 2020

Posts from November 2020

Saying Grace

When my children were little, I taught them to tell nurses “Thank-you,” when they were given shots. My young son’s lips would quiver and eyes would tear up as he choked out the words. His older sister, who had experienced eleven-and-a-half more months of life than he, would clearly say the words but proclaim something very different with her eyes. By the time my third child learned to talk and had her turn, she would say “thank you” in such…

But Why?

Ezekiel isn’t one of my favorite books of the Bible. I tend to drag my heals through it and sometimes miss what God wants me to hear. Therefore, as I started reading chapters 32-34 this morning, I asked God to get my attention and really speak to my heart. When I came to chapter 33 vs 10-11 it was as though the Lord placed a magnifying glass on the page. I noticed details about that brief passage which had escaped…

The Search

I was not sure as to what I should write about today until my husband frantically called me from work. “Would you go look and see if I put the cash in the CEFCU envelope away?” He had not. My husband had one problem after another today, this whole week actually; so, the missing money did not surprise me much. He was at work and therefore could not help in the search, so I was off and running. First, I…

Say What?

Have you ever fallen asleep in a public place? It is somewhat uncouth to do so, but I have done so often. It wouldn’t be so bad if I was one of those women who look cute when they are asleep, but… Sometimes my husband and I will run out to pick up some things we need. Inevitably, I tire of shopping long before he does, so while he rummages through the last couple of stores, I relax out in…