All the More to do with Heaven

All the More to do with Heaven

This morning I anticipated a rather quiet day. With my SUV in the shop for repairs, I was unable to do any running. Therefore, it was determined that the day would be spent doing chores, in fellowship with God, and writing. There was a bed to make. Areas needed straightening. I also knocked cobwebs off the ceiling (not considering that the vacuum was still in the back of the SUV at the repair shop).

My day should have started with God. Instead I foolishly played a game of mental tug of war while working. My thoughts yanked back and forth between the nourishment that God graciously offered and the artistic garbage that Satan upchucked. I felt like a rope in a tug of war between the two, but knew deep in my heart that was a deception to the hilt. Satan cannot yank me in his direction if I refuse to go, and God will only draw me towards Himself as I am willing. After having walked with my Lord for so many years, it is clear to me that we are not helpless regarding our thought lives. It only APPEARS to us that we are helpless when we do not turn to our helper, the Holy Spirit. Sadly, today I made a poor choice. I settled for flesh mode. Once the work was complete, Facebook was opened before the Bible.

Here in the boonies, we normally get poor reception on our Smartphones, but a teaching on Facebook by a special friend of ours caught my attention. It came in good and clear, and was exactly what I needed today! The message in general centered on the importance of REALLY fellowshipping with God, but the
retired pastor who was teaching the message also shared how his mentor had encouraged him through a very difficult time of life when he was young. He has given me permission to share this with you.

Our friend made the mistake of working too much for God rather than partnering with God to accomplish kingdom goals. He was terribly overwhelmed, over-burdened, and over-taxed; eventually resulting in a nervous breakdown. His friend and mentor, John Philips, reached out to him and took him out for coffee.
As they discussed the problems overwhelming the young pastor, John reminded him that everything that happens in this life has more to do with heaven than it does with this life. This profound truth really touched the heart of the young pastor who eventually experienced healing. No matter what we are going through: grief, joy, adversity, blessing, success, whatever; the moments of this day matter for eternity. Our lives ALWAYS, ALWAYS matter! I do not know anything about John Philips, but I am so glad he shared this.

After pondering this truth, I took out my Bible. I am totally perplexed as to why I ever hesitate, even for a moment, to enter into fellowship with God. It just does not make sense! I am so confused by this! After all, if we really, honestly want our lives to have more to do with heaven than with this life, which I truly do, then fellowship with God is not only desirable; it is absolutely essential! Why choose to swallow the garbage that Satan upchucks anyway when we are so privileged to feast on God’s Word? Thank God for mercy and grace and the genuine, pure love of our Father. Thank God He is really there for us. He really is there for me. Oh, if only I was always there for Him!