Posts by cantonag (Page 5)

Posts by cantonag (Page 5)


We were gathered outdoors as a body of believers to worship and learn the lessons of Our Lord. The sky was just gorgeous this morning. The weather was not overly hot or muggy and I had the best seat in the house; in the shade and directly in front of one of the large fans set out to increase the breeze. We were encouraged to worship with our own words. To do so it was necessary for me to get…

The Ever So Persistent Sower

(a blend of fiction and fact) It had been such a troubling day for Pastor Nathan. When he started off for his office in the morning, he had no idea what calamities awaited him. First there had been simple problems. A pipe in the church kitchen leaked enough to get water on carpeting in a nearby hallway. His coffee pot was on the fritz. A guest speaker who had been widely promoted had to cancel. Then there were more serious…


Just before the Corona virus outbreak disrupted everything, Pastor Craig was teaching our Wednesday night class from 2 Peter 1:1-15. We were given the question “What does each facet of Christian growth mean to you: faith, goodness, the knowledge of God, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherlykindness, and love?” We were given homework that included other questions as well. I worked hard on the lesson and was disappointed when we did not have adequate time during the next class session to go…

When I Consider Thy Heavens

Cindy and I used to walk to our guitar lessons if the weather permitted. It was roughly one mile to the little studio where an accomplished instructor did his best to teach classical guitar to two young teen-age girls. Much to his chagrin, we were only interested in quickly and magically learning how to play the familiar music of the day, and nothing he said seemed to impress us otherwise. Never-the-less, he tried hard to teach Cindy, who at least…

All the More to do with Heaven

This morning I anticipated a rather quiet day. With my SUV in the shop for repairs, I was unable to do any running. Therefore, it was determined that the day would be spent doing chores, in fellowship with God, and writing. There was a bed to make. Areas needed straightening. I also knocked cobwebs off the ceiling (not considering that the vacuum was still in the back of the SUV at the repair shop). My day should have started with…

Something Worth Standing For

There was a time in my life years ago when I was suddenly and unexpectedly assailed by a temptation that under normal circumstances would have been powerless. While many people battle alcohol addiction, I was spared from that bondage. Prior to coming to the Lord, I did get skunk stinky drunk a couple of times, but my last drink occurred months before becoming a Christian. I do not recall ever desiring so much as a sip during the next sixteen…


Thinking back to my early walk with my Lord, some scriptures puzzled me. One such passage was found in Psalm 139:23-24. Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way. ‘Why would the psalmist ask God such a thing?’ I wondered. After all, our minds are usually inside our brains, I reasoned. Isn’t that normal? So why…

The Birthday Boy

As I write this devotion my husband is on my mind. His sixty-third birthday is just two days away. That may not mean much to you, but to me it speaks volumes. To begin with, I am mindful that there have been roughly one billion, nine-hundred eighty-eight million, one-hundred twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred moments in his highly valuable, very unique life. Heaven only knows – God definitely knows–the exact nature of every single thought my husband pondered during those moments.…

It’s Never Too Late, Until It is

When I was young, I looked forward to seeing my father. I usually only saw him on two holidays and for three weeks in the summer. Much of the time we had together was fun. Dad was a boat builder by hobby, so we spent most of our time on the river. You might say Dad was a river rat to the extreme. Our bathsduring vacation were just swimming in the Illinois River or in some muddy creek. Mom would…

Butterflies and Grasshoppers

When my granddaughter, who I shall rename ‘Maggie’, was ten years old, she was terrified of butterflies, grasshoppers and a few other bugs. The fear was so intense that we could scarcely pry her out of a hot car when butterflies were fluttering nearby. Believe me, it was no easy task to keep Maggie safe when she perceived danger. One day I was driving down a divided highway with Maggie in the front seat. On the dashboard a large grasshopper…