Against a Flood of Derision

Against a Flood of Derision

Psalm 119:51 (KJV) The proud have me in great derision, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.

Romans 1:11-12 (NASB) For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.

The Illinois River flows through many memories from my early years. Because I lived far away, the majority of conversations I had with my real father were limited to summer vacation, usually while boating. A favorite recollection of mine is when he and I left our schooner, the ‘Skijuga’, took our dinghy, the
‘Kerploop’, and headed to some backwaters during flood stage. We then anchored and waded to a picnic table which normally would have been on dry ground. As waves sloshed about us, we enjoyed a meal of beans and franks straight out of tin cans. I listened as my father shared his heart. His words played a huge part in shaping my outlook on life, both for good and bad.

When God adopted me as His own daughter, a process of altering views that swam about my mind began. I learned to scrutinize life through the filter of God’s Word. Much of what I had previously believed was toxic, though some was useful. So, how important was God’s Word to my growth and correction as a new believer? Every bit as important as it is now! Have you ever read Psalm 119? I used to think Zayin, Heth and the others were a bunch of people sharing testimonies of how the Word of God helped them individually; but that was not correct. The 176 verses in Psalm 119 are all a song written by one man
sharing the many, many ways God’s Word consistently helped him in life. Beth and Gimel were just letters of an alphabet, not a guy and gal. Wow! Learning that still has an impact on me! If the Bible had such sway over the life of the great man who wrote that Psalm, it can help to channel my thinking to flow with God’s purpose as well!

It is now socially acceptable (seemingly even socially preferable) in our society to deride Christians for adherence to the truth of God’s Word. Furthermore, the enemy of our souls is hell-bent on whispering lies to us at every opportunity. Just as the force of water can wear away at stone, constant badgering by
people or demons can wear away at our resolve to do and say what is right unless we listen to God instead of them.

Recently the following thoughts crossed my mind over and over throughout the day: Why do you bother writing? Do you actually think anyone is going to listen to you? You are just a big joke to them! Why bother? You aren’t going to help anyone! Though the thoughts stung a little, my response to them was
based on what I had read in the Bible. I know from God’s truth that I am not responsible for whether or not people read or heed anything I have to say. I am simply responsible for praying for them and sharing what I have been given so it is available. You see, it is very important for us to build ourselves up on
truth if we are to stand rock-solid against derision, especially the invisible derision that targets us privately.

It is also very important to encourage one another in the Lord. The same day those thoughts were badgering me, I got a little card from a friend. Inside five brief, handwritten sentences deeply touched my heart. They were words fitly spoken! That’s how we are to flow in this kingdom. Let’s use the faith
building truth and reassurance we experience ourselves to build others up, just like the apostle Paul did on his journeys (Acts 1:23; Acts 15:41). After all, we live in a fallen world that tries awful hard at times to make a shipwreck of our lives. We are not home on kingdom soil yet, but we can allow God’s Word to mold us. If we do, He will use us to flood the land we are passing through with truth