Jesus Did

Jesus Did

1 Thes 1:6-7 (NASB) You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in
Macedonia and Achaia.

1 Peter 4:12-14 (NASB) Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you
share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and God rests upon you.

In many societies worldwide, Christ followers have a greater understanding of these scriptures than we do. I am sure you are already aware of that. I do wonder if you are aware that our time of testing may come. That is not a very pleasant thought, is it?

Years ago, I was talking with a friend. The subject of severe persecution came up. She was incensed that I would suggest that it could happen to us someday. I was scolded for being faithless. My friend went on to state that God would not deserve to be worshipped if He allowed something like that; that
He was much better than I imagined. Hmmm. Perhaps I would be faithless in her opinion, but at least I would not be godless in my Lord’s opinion. I plan to stick with Him no matter what. Oh, I cannot accomplish that on my own strength; but the joy of the Lord gives me enough tenacity to. She is right
about one thing; God is better than I imagine!

Jesus endured a deeper level of persecution than any believers have ever experienced. Others may have suffered through similar physical torture, but none has had to take on our sins. Nor did any have to descend to the depths of the earth. Jesus endured because of the joy set before Him. You are
correct if you say, “Well He is God.” Absolutely true, my friend! However, did you realize that when Jesus came in the flesh He took on the limitations of flesh? What He accomplished on earth He accomplished through His personal relationship with His Father. He wasn’t any thicker skinned while
walking on earth than you or I. Stuff really hurt Him too! However, He loved and knew His Father. He knew that His Father could be trusted. He loved us too (and continues to do so).

Why does God allow His people to suffer persecution at times? He isn’t some ogre who delights in seeing mankind hurting! One reason is mentioned above in 1 Peter 4:12-14. I suspect there are as many other reasons as there are people populating planet earth, for God works on hearts both individually and collectively as people groups. You know, I cannot adequately answer that question. However, a sermon forwarded to me by my niece this week made me consider a possible reason. In the book of Habakkuk, God used an extremely wicked nation to discipline His people for their rebellion. His people, at that time, were pretty stinking unruly. After listening to the sermon, I pondered how they might have gotten like that in the first place. Could it be that their forefathers failed to honor God and actively reach out to the lost? Were His people so occupied with their own interests that they totally
neglected His? Did generations follow who did not know the Lord for that reason? I bet since the harvest was neglected, stinking thinking grew more rancid minute by minute, molecule by molecule until many hearts rotted in the field of forgetfulness. Not knowing God’s love can make some folk downright mean! However, during times of persecution, the gospel spread and many mean folk turned to the Lord and became precious new creations. You see that over and over in the book of Acts, as well as in some of the letters.

You know, it might seem unkind of Father God to permit any kind of persecution. However, He understands the difference between the temporal and the eternal much better than we do. He knows that what seems unbearable now is nothing compared to what those who choose to reject Him will
endure forever. He also knows that the greatest blessings we can experience on earth pale in comparison to the joy we will experience when we see God face to face. He understands it so well that He was willing to give His only begotten son, Jesus, on the cross for our sakes. God has set eternity in our hearts. Perhaps we will better experience joy during good times or bad if we look at our hearts and see eternity for what it really is. Perhaps we will find joy in sparing others from eternal suffering. Jesus did!