Posts by cantonag (Page 6)
A young newlywed who was also new in her walk with Jesus went to discuss problems she was having in her marriage with her pastor. For nearly forty-five minutes, she vented, griped, and whined; presenting herself as a much to be pitied victim of an unfair relationship. The pastor listened intently until she finally came up for air. “What do you want me to do?” he asked. “Why, I want you to pray that he will change!” she spouted. The…
When I was thirteen years old, my mother married my second stepfather. He was a tender-hearted man with a rough-hewn nature. Known as ‘King Charlie’ by his peers, he was a gambler and an avid enthusiast of sports. My mother knew him as Chuck, just as my siblings did for quite some time. I so desperately longed for a father’s love that I started to call him ‘Dad’ right after they professed their vows. It wasn’t long until he occasionally…
When I was young, my brother, sister and I would spend three weeks each summer with our father. Much of that time was spent on a schooner that lacked sails. One day, I was leaning against the mast when there was the crack of gunfire and a loud ping near my head. Dad quickly ordered us down below. He loaded his gun and waded through the shallow water towards the point where the shots had been fired. The shots finally…
Read 1 Samuel 14:1-23 It’s no wonder David and Jonathan were such good friends. Each man delved deeply into the life-giving thoughts of God; Not with absolute perfection, but with child-like faith. David advanced against the giant Goliath with total confidence in God. How else could a kid slay a giant like that? In 1 Samuel 14:12 we read that Jonathan also put his trust in God alone. The day his Lord inspired him to climb up a sharp crag…
Island Hopping
ISLAND HOPPING On a bookshelf near my desk is a small globe that I originally purchased as decoration. The globe now sports a tag that reads “Pray for the nations.” I often close my eyes, spin the globe while flipping it around, then pray for whatever nation or region my finger lands on. I have been recording the dates and locations in a spiral notebook for months now. This morning I landed on a small island, which, according to my…