Island Hopping

Island Hopping


On a bookshelf near my desk is a small globe that I originally purchased as decoration. The globe now sports a tag that reads “Pray for the nations.” I often close my eyes, spin the globe while flipping it around, then pray for whatever nation or region my finger lands on. I have been recording the dates and locations in a spiral notebook for months now. This morning I landed on a small island, which, according to my outdated dictionary, has a population of 849. I am amazed at how frequently the Holy Spirit directs my attention to one island or another that I have never heard of before. Sometimes, I will land on the same on later in the week. A flashlight helps as I strain my eyes to see the names of the tiny specks on the globe. God already knows the name of each speck, as well as the name and identity of each individual living on those specks. He uses His light to shine into their hearts.

One day, God inspired me to pray for a little girl. I could only imagine what she was like, but He knows her intimately and truly loves her. The child crossed my mind repeatedly over the next few months, and even this morning she was included in my prayers. Do we realize how deeply God loves the people of the world? No one is insignificant. No one is beyond his touch. You have probably heard this many times before but if you are not living by this truth, you need to hear it again.

For God so loved the world (including you, me and a little girl on a remote part of the earth) that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”


One Comment

    June Goben

    Good message. I think we tend to think God loves us best and this shows no one is loved more then another in His eyes.

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