

Read 1 Samuel 14:1-23

It’s no wonder David and Jonathan were such good friends. Each man delved deeply into the life-giving thoughts of God; Not with absolute perfection, but with child-like faith. David advanced against the giant Goliath with total confidence in God. How else could a kid slay a giant like that?

In 1 Samuel 14:12 we read that Jonathan also put his trust in God alone. The day his Lord inspired him to climb up a sharp crag to take on a Philistine garrison, Jonathan instructed his armor bearer to climb up after him. No doubt, Jonathan appreciated his armor bearer. The young man had said to him “I am with you” and true to his word he did fight along at his side. However, the armor Jonathan relied on was a gift from God, the “shield of faith”.


Lord, today I am thankful for victory. Not in my own strength or ability, but in You alone. Thank you for the “shield of faith” to protect us from the “elements” of this life. Today, I put my hope and trust in you alone. Amen

Island Hopping