How On Earth Did They Know?

How On Earth Did They Know?

Most of my friends would probably be offended if I asked them how they would like to get lost. I am quite sure Cindy, on the other hand, would be delighted. We thoroughly enjoy hopping in the car after having lunch or a blended coffee treat and just driving to heaven only knows where. We share our hearts, our
love of God and a few good, harmless, funny stories about our families. We laugh as we take in the sights and make frequent changes in the direction we are heading. From time to time we stop at a ‘Casey’s bladder station for snacks, drinks or gas. We even chuckle as we excuse ourselves for burping after eating
our favorite onion rings. (Onion rings do that to us.) Cindy and I almost always get good and lost; I mean really, really lost when we go for our rides. Not only is our exact location a mystery; but we often have no idea which direction we are from home. If not for the fact that we turn on the GPS eventually, you all
would be searching with helicopters and police dogs for two old gals by now.

Not knowing where we are headed is fun when Cindy and I are on an adventure; but it is a far more serious matter when it comes to our personal lives or ministry. In the past few weeks, I have felt impressed that
God is directing me to new horizons. He has guided my heart little by little through many scriptures, sermons, comments made by other believers, devotions I have read, persistent daydreams and His still small voice. I am not sure where He is taking me, though I have a hunch that it is to ‘a place’ I have thought of often over the years. Much like my GPS, the directions from God are coming in small increments. If I jump ahead and act presumptuously, I might end up on the wrong path. Like Abraham, I have to walk in faith and just follow the Lord as He leads one step at a time.

As believers we have a responsibility to seek guidance from God through scripture and prayer. We also need to bring the suggestions of other believers and the thoughts that cross our minds to God for careful evaluation. There are many other ways God directs those who have a willing heart and are wanting to absorb His desires. Sometimes He simply says the word, like when Peter and John were told to follow a man carrying a water pitcher (Luke 22:10-12). At times he just speaks to a man’s heart in a way He is certain the man will grasp. Otherwise, how on earth did Hosea know that it truly was God who was telling
Him to do something outside of the box (Hosea 1:2 and 3:1)?

What about the directions God gives to people outside the faith? How on earth did Cyrus, king of Persia know that God had appointed him to build the temple (Ezra 1:2)? God had promised. People had prayed; but how did Cyrus know? Did an angel whisper in his ear? Did some brave soul confront him, saying “This is what God promised?” Was he frequently having dreams about it?

It’s a good thing it isn’t necessary for me to know how God runs this universe. It is great that I can trust Him to direct me on a need to know basis. That is what He did when I started thinking about this devotion. I wondered and prayed as to how I should start it. Later, as Cindy and I hopped in the car for another
adventure, she said, “You ought to write about our adventures one of these days.” Thanks Lord, and thanks Cindy.